Student On-Line Name: Basil


Quiz #1: 16

Quiz #2: 16

Quiz #3: 16

Quiz #4: "9"

Quiz #5: "14"

Quiz #6: 16

Quiz #7: "12"

Quiz #8: 19

Quiz #9: 15

Quiz #10: 18

Quiz #11: 16

Quiz #12: 14

Quiz #13: 16

Total Quiz Points (with the three lowest quiz scores, shown in quotation marks, dropped): 162 out of 200 possible

Total Quiz Percent: 81.0%



Reading Report #1 (out of 109 pts. possible):  110

Reading Report #2 (out of 125 pts. possible):  113

Total Reading Report Percent: 100.0%


Luther on Vocation paper: 95%


Final Exam:

(Note: On the final, I dropped 7 questions where less than 40% of the class got the question correct. This resulted in higher scores for the entire class. Therefore, the total number of questions was reduced from 71 to 64.)

Final Exam raw score: 47 out of 64

Total Final Exam Percentage: 73%


Your grade for the class is calculated as follows, once the weights for the various assignments are factored in:

(Quizzes * 35%) + (Reading Reports * 20%) + (Vocation paper * 15%) + (Final Exam * 30%)


So, plugging in your numbers, we have:

(81.0 * 35%) + (100.0 * 20%) + (95 * 15%) + (73 * 30%) = 85.58% in the class


Grade in the class: B


Student On-Line Name: Baxter


Quiz #1: 18

Quiz #2: 18

Quiz #3: "12"

Quiz #4: "17"

Quiz #5: 18

Quiz #6: "17"

Quiz #7: 17

Quiz #8: 18

Quiz #9: 18

Quiz #10: 17

Quiz #11: 17

Quiz #12: 18

Quiz #13: 17

Total Quiz Points (with the three lowest quiz scores, shown in quotation marks, dropped): 176 out of 200 possible

Total Quiz Percent: 88.0%



Reading Report #1 (out of 109 pts. possible):  110

Reading Report #2 (out of 125 pts. possible):  113

Total Reading Report Percent: 100.0%


Luther on Vocation paper: 96%


Final Exam:

(Note: On the final, I dropped 7 questions where less than 40% of the class got the question correct. This resulted in higher scores for the entire class. Therefore, the total number of questions was reduced from 71 to 64.)

Final Exam raw score: 50 out of 64

Total Final Exam Percentage: 78%


Your grade for the class is calculated as follows, once the weights for the various assignments are factored in:

(Quizzes * 35%) + (Reading Reports * 20%) + (Vocation paper * 15%) + (Final Exam * 30%)


So, plugging in your numbers, we have:

(88.0 * 35%) + (100.0 * 20%) + (96 * 15%) + (78 * 30%) = 89.24% in the class


Grade in the class: B+


Student On-Line Name: Berkeley


Quiz #1: 14

Quiz #2: 12

Quiz #3: 13

Quiz #4: 11

Quiz #5: "10"

Quiz #6: "10"

Quiz #7: 17

Quiz #8: 12

Quiz #9: 14

Quiz #10: 12

Quiz #11: 15

Quiz #12: 11

Quiz #13: "9"

Total Quiz Points (with the three lowest quiz scores, shown in quotation marks, dropped): 131 out of 200 possible

Total Quiz Percent: 65.5%



Reading Report #1 (out of 109 pts. possible):  106

Reading Report #2 (out of 125 pts. possible):  104

Total Reading Report Percent: 94.2%


Luther on Vocation paper: 90%


Final Exam:

(Note: On the final, I dropped 7 questions where less than 40% of the class got the question correct. This resulted in higher scores for the entire class. Therefore, the total number of questions was reduced from 71 to 64.)

Final Exam raw score: 47 out of 64

Total Final Exam Percentage: 73%


Your grade for the class is calculated as follows, once the weights for the various assignments are factored in:

(Quizzes * 35%) + (Reading Reports * 20%) + (Vocation paper * 15%) + (Final Exam * 30%)


So, plugging in your numbers, we have:

(65.5 * 35%) + (94.2 * 20%) + (90 * 15%) + (73 * 30%) = 78.72% in the class


Grade in the class: C+


Student On-Line Name: Bonhoeffer


Quiz #1: 12

Quiz #2: 14

Quiz #3: 14

Quiz #4: 13

Quiz #5: "12"

Quiz #6: 17

Quiz #7: 18

Quiz #8: 17

Quiz #9: 15

Quiz #10: "11"

Quiz #11: 15

Quiz #12: 19

Quiz #13: "11"

Total Quiz Points (with the three lowest quiz scores, shown in quotation marks, dropped): 154 out of 200 possible

Total Quiz Percent: 77.0%



Reading Report #1 (out of 109 pts. possible):  105

Reading Report #2 (out of 125 pts. possible):  113

Total Reading Report Percent: 97.8%


Luther on Vocation paper: 97%


Final Exam:

(Note: On the final, I dropped 7 questions where less than 40% of the class got the question correct. This resulted in higher scores for the entire class. Therefore, the total number of questions was reduced from 71 to 64.)

Final Exam raw score: 39 out of 64

Total Final Exam Percentage: 61%


Your grade for the class is calculated as follows, once the weights for the various assignments are factored in:

(Quizzes * 35%) + (Reading Reports * 20%) + (Vocation paper * 15%) + (Final Exam * 30%)


So, plugging in your numbers, we have:

(77.0 * 35%) + (97.8 * 20%) + (97 * 15%) + (61 * 30%) = 80.37% in the class


Grade in the class: B-


Student On-Line Name: Cyril


Quiz #1: 18

Quiz #2: 18

Quiz #3: "12"

Quiz #4: "17"

Quiz #5: 19

Quiz #6: 18

Quiz #7: 20

Quiz #8: 19

Quiz #9: 18

Quiz #10: "13"

Quiz #11: 19

Quiz #12: 17

Quiz #13: 17

Total Quiz Points (with the three lowest quiz scores, shown in quotation marks, dropped): 183 out of 200 possible

Total Quiz Percent: 91.5%



Reading Report #1 (out of 109 pts. possible):  110

Reading Report #2 (out of 125 pts. possible):  113

Total Reading Report Percent: 100.0%


Luther on Vocation paper: 100%


Final Exam:

(Note: On the final, I dropped 7 questions where less than 40% of the class got the question correct. This resulted in higher scores for the entire class. Therefore, the total number of questions was reduced from 71 to 64.)

Final Exam raw score: 60 out of 64

Total Final Exam Percentage: 94%


Your grade for the class is calculated as follows, once the weights for the various assignments are factored in:

(Quizzes * 35%) + (Reading Reports * 20%) + (Vocation paper * 15%) + (Final Exam * 30%)


So, plugging in your numbers, we have:

(91.5 * 35%) + (100.0 * 20%) + (100 * 15%) + (94 * 30%) = 95.15% in the class


Grade in the class: A


Student On-Line Name: Fichte


Quiz #1: 16

Quiz #2: 16

Quiz #3: 15

Quiz #4: "13"

Quiz #5: "15"

Quiz #6: 18

Quiz #7: 19

Quiz #8: 15

Quiz #9: "12"

Quiz #10: 16

Quiz #11: 17

Quiz #12: 15

Quiz #13: 19

Total Quiz Points (with the three lowest quiz scores, shown in quotation marks, dropped): 166 out of 200 possible

Total Quiz Percent: 83.0%



Reading Report #1 (out of 109 pts. possible):  94

Reading Report #2 (out of 125 pts. possible):  100

Total Reading Report Percent: 87.0%


Luther on Vocation paper: 97%


Final Exam:

(Note: On the final, I dropped 7 questions where less than 40% of the class got the question correct. This resulted in higher scores for the entire class. Therefore, the total number of questions was reduced from 71 to 64.)

Final Exam raw score: 58 out of 64

Total Final Exam Percentage: 91%


Your grade for the class is calculated as follows, once the weights for the various assignments are factored in:

(Quizzes * 35%) + (Reading Reports * 20%) + (Vocation paper * 15%) + (Final Exam * 30%)


So, plugging in your numbers, we have:

(83.0 * 35%) + (87.0 * 20%) + (97 * 15%) + (91 * 30%) = 88.39% in the class


Grade in the class: B+


Student On-Line Name: Finney


Quiz #1: 20

Quiz #2: 20

Quiz #3: 17

Quiz #4: "16"

Quiz #5: 18

Quiz #6: 17

Quiz #7: 19

Quiz #8: 20

Quiz #9: "15"

Quiz #10: 18

Quiz #11: 19

Quiz #12: 18

Quiz #13: "10"

Total Quiz Points (with the three lowest quiz scores, shown in quotation marks, dropped): 186 out of 200 possible

Total Quiz Percent: 93.0%



Reading Report #1 (out of 109 pts. possible):  110

Reading Report #2 (out of 125 pts. possible):  113

Total Reading Report Percent: 100.0%


Luther on Vocation paper: 90%


Final Exam:

(Note: On the final, I dropped 7 questions where less than 40% of the class got the question correct. This resulted in higher scores for the entire class. Therefore, the total number of questions was reduced from 71 to 64.)

Final Exam raw score: 51 out of 64

Total Final Exam Percentage: 80%


Your grade for the class is calculated as follows, once the weights for the various assignments are factored in:

(Quizzes * 35%) + (Reading Reports * 20%) + (Vocation paper * 15%) + (Final Exam * 30%)


So, plugging in your numbers, we have:

(93.0 * 35%) + (100.0 * 20%) + (90 * 15%) + (80 * 30%) = 90.31% in the class


Grade in the class: A-


Student On-Line Name: Hagenbach


Quiz #1: 15

Quiz #2: "14"

Quiz #3: 17

Quiz #4: 16

Quiz #5: 18

Quiz #6: 19

Quiz #7: 20

Quiz #8: 19

Quiz #9: "15"

Quiz #10: "15"

Quiz #11: 20

Quiz #12: 20

Quiz #13: 20

Total Quiz Points (with the three lowest quiz scores, shown in quotation marks, dropped): 184 out of 200 possible

Total Quiz Percent: 92.0%



Reading Report #1 (out of 109 pts. possible):  110

Reading Report #2 (out of 125 pts. possible):  113

Total Reading Report Percent: 100.0%


Luther on Vocation paper: 100%


Final Exam:

(Note: On the final, I dropped 7 questions where less than 40% of the class got the question correct. This resulted in higher scores for the entire class. Therefore, the total number of questions was reduced from 71 to 64.)

Final Exam raw score: 59 out of 64

Total Final Exam Percentage: 92%


Your grade for the class is calculated as follows, once the weights for the various assignments are factored in:

(Quizzes * 35%) + (Reading Reports * 20%) + (Vocation paper * 15%) + (Final Exam * 30%)


So, plugging in your numbers, we have:

(92.0 * 35%) + (100.0 * 20%) + (100 * 15%) + (92 * 30%) = 95.26% in the class


Grade in the class: A


Student On-Line Name: Hobbes


Quiz #1: 13

Quiz #2: 14

Quiz #3: 12

Quiz #4: "10"

Quiz #5: 14

Quiz #6: 16

Quiz #7: 17

Quiz #8: "8"

Quiz #9: 13

Quiz #10: "0"

Quiz #11: 15

Quiz #12: 12

Quiz #13: 16

Total Quiz Points (with the three lowest quiz scores, shown in quotation marks, dropped): 142 out of 200 possible

Total Quiz Percent: 71.0%



Reading Report #1 (out of 109 pts. possible):  99

Reading Report #2 (out of 125 pts. possible):  102

Total Reading Report Percent: 90.1%


Luther on Vocation paper: 92%


Final Exam:

(Note: On the final, I dropped 7 questions where less than 40% of the class got the question correct. This resulted in higher scores for the entire class. Therefore, the total number of questions was reduced from 71 to 64.)

Final Exam raw score: 54 out of 64

Total Final Exam Percentage: 84%


Your grade for the class is calculated as follows, once the weights for the various assignments are factored in:

(Quizzes * 35%) + (Reading Reports * 20%) + (Vocation paper * 15%) + (Final Exam * 30%)


So, plugging in your numbers, we have:

(71.0 * 35%) + (90.1 * 20%) + (92 * 15%) + (84 * 30%) = 82.95% in the class


Grade in the class: B-


Student On-Line Name: Innocent


Quiz #1: 19

Quiz #2: 18

Quiz #3: 18

Quiz #4: 20

Quiz #5: 20

Quiz #6: 20

Quiz #7: 19

Quiz #8: 20

Quiz #9: "0"

Quiz #10: "14"

Quiz #11: "0"

Quiz #12: 19

Quiz #13: 19

Total Quiz Points (with the three lowest quiz scores, shown in quotation marks, dropped): 192 out of 200 possible

Total Quiz Percent: 96.0%



Reading Report #1 (out of 109 pts. possible):  110

Reading Report #2 (out of 125 pts. possible):  100

Total Reading Report Percent: 94.2%


Luther on Vocation paper: 83%


Final Exam:

(Note: On the final, I dropped 7 questions where less than 40% of the class got the question correct. This resulted in higher scores for the entire class. Therefore, the total number of questions was reduced from 71 to 64.)

Final Exam raw score: 64 out of 64

Total Final Exam Percentage: 100%


Your grade for the class is calculated as follows, once the weights for the various assignments are factored in:

(Quizzes * 35%) + (Reading Reports * 20%) + (Vocation paper * 15%) + (Final Exam * 30%)


So, plugging in your numbers, we have:

(96.0 * 35%) + (94.2 * 20%) + (83 * 15%) + (100 * 30%) = 94.79% in the class


Grade in the class: A


Student On-Line Name: Lewis


Quiz #1: 15

Quiz #2: "14"

Quiz #3: 17

Quiz #4: "14"

Quiz #5: 16

Quiz #6: 16

Quiz #7: 17

Quiz #8: 20

Quiz #9: 16

Quiz #10: "13"

Quiz #11: 18

Quiz #12: 17

Quiz #13: 16

Total Quiz Points (with the three lowest quiz scores, shown in quotation marks, dropped): 168 out of 200 possible

Total Quiz Percent: 84.0%



Reading Report #1 (out of 109 pts. possible):  110

Reading Report #2 (out of 125 pts. possible):  113

Total Reading Report Percent: 100.0%


Luther on Vocation paper: 100%


Final Exam:

(Note: On the final, I dropped 7 questions where less than 40% of the class got the question correct. This resulted in higher scores for the entire class. Therefore, the total number of questions was reduced from 71 to 64.)

Final Exam raw score: 61 out of 64

Total Final Exam Percentage: 95%


Your grade for the class is calculated as follows, once the weights for the various assignments are factored in:

(Quizzes * 35%) + (Reading Reports * 20%) + (Vocation paper * 15%) + (Final Exam * 30%)


So, plugging in your numbers, we have:

(84.0 * 35%) + (100.0 * 20%) + (100 * 15%) + (95 * 30%) = 93.79% in the class


Grade in the class: A


Student On-Line Name: Limborch


Quiz #1: "11"

Quiz #2: 13

Quiz #3: 13

Quiz #4: "10"

Quiz #5: 16

Quiz #6: 17

Quiz #7: 17

Quiz #8: 19

Quiz #9: 15

Quiz #10: "11"

Quiz #11: 15

Quiz #12: 13

Quiz #13: 17

Total Quiz Points (with the three lowest quiz scores, shown in quotation marks, dropped): 155 out of 200 possible

Total Quiz Percent: 77.5%



Reading Report #1 (out of 109 pts. possible):  110

Reading Report #2 (out of 125 pts. possible):  107

Total Reading Report Percent: 97.3%


Luther on Vocation paper: 96%


Final Exam:

(Note: On the final, I dropped 7 questions where less than 40% of the class got the question correct. This resulted in higher scores for the entire class. Therefore, the total number of questions was reduced from 71 to 64.)

Final Exam raw score: 50 out of 64

Total Final Exam Percentage: 78%


Your grade for the class is calculated as follows, once the weights for the various assignments are factored in:

(Quizzes * 35%) + (Reading Reports * 20%) + (Vocation paper * 15%) + (Final Exam * 30%)


So, plugging in your numbers, we have:

(77.5 * 35%) + (97.3 * 20%) + (96 * 15%) + (78 * 30%) = 85.41% in the class


Grade in the class: B


Student On-Line Name: Luther


Quiz #1: 13

Quiz #2: "12"

Quiz #3: 14

Quiz #4: 15

Quiz #5: 18

Quiz #6: 17

Quiz #7: 16

Quiz #8: 18

Quiz #9: 16

Quiz #10: "12"

Quiz #11: "13"

Quiz #12: 15

Quiz #13: 15

Total Quiz Points (with the three lowest quiz scores, shown in quotation marks, dropped): 157 out of 200 possible

Total Quiz Percent: 78.5%



Reading Report #1 (out of 109 pts. possible):  105

Reading Report #2 (out of 125 pts. possible):  113

Total Reading Report Percent: 97.8%


Luther on Vocation paper: 93%


Final Exam:

(Note: On the final, I dropped 7 questions where less than 40% of the class got the question correct. This resulted in higher scores for the entire class. Therefore, the total number of questions was reduced from 71 to 64.)

Final Exam raw score: 46 out of 64

Total Final Exam Percentage: 72%


Your grade for the class is calculated as follows, once the weights for the various assignments are factored in:

(Quizzes * 35%) + (Reading Reports * 20%) + (Vocation paper * 15%) + (Final Exam * 30%)


So, plugging in your numbers, we have:

(78.5 * 35%) + (97.8 * 20%) + (93 * 15%) + (72 * 30%) = 83.50% in the class


Grade in the class: B


Student On-Line Name: Major


Quiz #1: 17

Quiz #2: 13

Quiz #3: 13

Quiz #4: "0"

Quiz #5: 16

Quiz #6: 15

Quiz #7: 11

Quiz #8: 8

Quiz #9: "0"

Quiz #10: "5"

Quiz #11: 13

Quiz #12: 10

Quiz #13: 15

Total Quiz Points (with the three lowest quiz scores, shown in quotation marks, dropped): 131 out of 200 possible

Total Quiz Percent: 65.5%



Reading Report #1 (out of 109 pts. possible):  94

Reading Report #2 (out of 125 pts. possible):  113

Total Reading Report Percent: 92.8%


Luther on Vocation paper: 96%


Final Exam:

(Note: On the final, I dropped 7 questions where less than 40% of the class got the question correct. This resulted in higher scores for the entire class. Therefore, the total number of questions was reduced from 71 to 64.)

Final Exam raw score: 20 out of 64

Total Final Exam Percentage: 31%


Your grade for the class is calculated as follows, once the weights for the various assignments are factored in:

(Quizzes * 35%) + (Reading Reports * 20%) + (Vocation paper * 15%) + (Final Exam * 30%)


So, plugging in your numbers, we have:

(65.5 * 35%) + (92.8 * 20%) + (96 * 15%) + (31 * 30%) = 66.63% in the class


Grade in the class: D+


Student On-Line Name: Miley


Quiz #1: 12

Quiz #2: 15

Quiz #3: "10"

Quiz #4: "8"

Quiz #5: 13

Quiz #6: 12

Quiz #7: 19

Quiz #8: 15

Quiz #9: 14

Quiz #10: "8"

Quiz #11: 11

Quiz #12: 12

Quiz #13: 16

Total Quiz Points (with the three lowest quiz scores, shown in quotation marks, dropped): 139 out of 200 possible

Total Quiz Percent: 69.5%



Reading Report #1 (out of 109 pts. possible):  110

Reading Report #2 (out of 125 pts. possible):  113

Total Reading Report Percent: 100.0%


Luther on Vocation paper: 90%


Final Exam:

(Note: On the final, I dropped 7 questions where less than 40% of the class got the question correct. This resulted in higher scores for the entire class. Therefore, the total number of questions was reduced from 71 to 64.)

Final Exam raw score: 39 out of 64

Total Final Exam Percentage: 61%


Your grade for the class is calculated as follows, once the weights for the various assignments are factored in:

(Quizzes * 35%) + (Reading Reports * 20%) + (Vocation paper * 15%) + (Final Exam * 30%)


So, plugging in your numbers, we have:

(69.5 * 35%) + (100.0 * 20%) + (90 * 15%) + (61 * 30%) = 77.63% in the class


Grade in the class: C+


Student On-Line Name: Ochino


Quiz #1: 18

Quiz #2: 18

Quiz #3: 15

Quiz #4: "15"

Quiz #5: 17

Quiz #6: 18

Quiz #7: 17

Quiz #8: 18

Quiz #9: 16

Quiz #10: 18

Quiz #11: "12"

Quiz #12: "14"

Quiz #13: 18

Total Quiz Points (with the three lowest quiz scores, shown in quotation marks, dropped): 173 out of 200 possible

Total Quiz Percent: 86.5%



Reading Report #1 (out of 109 pts. possible):  110

Reading Report #2 (out of 125 pts. possible):  107

Total Reading Report Percent: 97.3%


Luther on Vocation paper: 92%


Final Exam:

(Note: On the final, I dropped 7 questions where less than 40% of the class got the question correct. This resulted in higher scores for the entire class. Therefore, the total number of questions was reduced from 71 to 64.)

Final Exam raw score: 48 out of 64

Total Final Exam Percentage: 75%


Your grade for the class is calculated as follows, once the weights for the various assignments are factored in:

(Quizzes * 35%) + (Reading Reports * 20%) + (Vocation paper * 15%) + (Final Exam * 30%)


So, plugging in your numbers, we have:

(86.5 * 35%) + (97.3 * 20%) + (92 * 15%) + (75 * 30%) = 86.58% in the class


Grade in the class: B+


Student On-Line Name: Pieper


Quiz #1: 18

Quiz #2: 19

Quiz #3: 18

Quiz #4: 16

Quiz #5: 16

Quiz #6: 19

Quiz #7: 19

Quiz #8: 19

Quiz #9:

Quiz #10:

Quiz #11:

Quiz #12:

Quiz #13:

Total Quiz Points (with the three lowest quiz scores, shown in quotation marks, dropped): 144 out of 200 possible

Total Quiz Percent: 72.0%



Reading Report #1 (out of 109 pts. possible):  110

Reading Report #2 (out of 125 pts. possible): 

Total Reading Report Percent: 49.3%


Luther on Vocation paper: %


Final Exam:

(Note: On the final, I dropped 7 questions where less than 40% of the class got the question correct. This resulted in higher scores for the entire class. Therefore, the total number of questions was reduced from 71 to 64.)

Final Exam raw score:  out of 64

Total Final Exam Percentage: 0%


Your grade for the class is calculated as follows, once the weights for the various assignments are factored in:

(Quizzes * 35%) + (Reading Reports * 20%) + (Vocation paper * 15%) + (Final Exam * 30%)


So, plugging in your numbers, we have:

(72.0 * 35%) + (49.3 * 20%) + ( * 15%) + (0 * 30%) = 33.93% in the class


Grade in the class: RD